AAEI is spotlighting members who are helping lead the Association on key issues, initiatives and projects. This week, AAEI is featuring Heidi Woods of Medtronic.
Heidi is co-chair of AAEI’s Healthcare Industries Committee (HIC) and is one of AAEI’s leaders on trade advocacy for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. Heidi and her fellow co-chairs for HIC, Beth Lomax and Matt McGrath, will be working with other trade associations on trade issues involving the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Among the issues is AAEI recommendations to the FDA on Import for Export (IFE). HIC meets quarterly. The committee’s next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 2023.
At Medtronic, Heidi is the Americas Trade Director, responsible for team and functional leadership of all of Medtronic’s trade activities in the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. Heidi creates and maintains Medtronic’s procedures and training to ensure that her team follows specific legal principles involving laws and regulations governing the importation and exportation of goods and technology.