AAEI is spotlighting members who are helping lead the Association on key issues, initiatives and projects. This week, the spotlight is on Michele Snider of Buckland Global Trade Services, Inc.

Michele is a member of AAEI’s Nominating Committee, which prepares and oversees AAEI’s annual governance elections, as well as recommends AAEI members for co-chair positions on its substantive committees. Michele is also an active member of AAEI’s Customs, Trade Policy, International Policy, Export and Drawback Committees, frequently offering important contributions to meeting discussions.

At Buckland, Michele serves as Director of Compliance and Consulting, specializing in International Customs and Trade Management and Consulting services. Michele has more than 18 years in project planning and development and trained extensively in Duty Drawback, Entry, Trade Programs, audit of client process and recordkeeping, client interface and Global project management.