World Customs Chief Featured at AAEI Conference

World Customs Organization (WCO) Secretary General Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, delivered a keynote at AAEI’s 100th Anniversary Conference and Expo on June 29, 2021.

The World Customs Organization (WCO), established in 1952 as the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC) is an independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations.

Today, the WCO represents 183 Customs administrations across the globe that collectively process approximately 98% of world trade. As the global centre of Customs expertise, the WCO is the only international organization with competence in Customs matters and can rightly call itself the voice of the international Customs community.

AAEI is a proud member of the WCO’s Private Sector Consultative Group (PSG). The PSG serves as a sounding board for current and future WCO initiatives.