AAEI features members who personify the Association’s achievements, initiatives, projects and advantages. The Member of the Week spotlight shines on Susan Kohn Ross of Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP.
Su is a member of AAEI’s Board of Governors and a longtime active member of many AAEI substantive committees. Su also will host AAEI’s first 2023 Benchmarking Roadshow at her firm in Los Angeles on October 12, 2023, which will be held exclusively for importers and exporters on the hottest issues affecting international trade today, including corporate compliance, Forced Labor, international sanctions and export controls.
Su is a partner at MSK and serves at the firm’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Chair and Regulatory Practice Chair. She represents domestic and foreign clients in all areas having to do with importing and exporting goods. She continues to work closely with all the relevant government agencies and represents clients in court on related topics. She also holds an individual customs broker’s license.