Weekly Trade Roundup

USTR Keeps Section 301 Tariffs in Place for Now

The Office of the United States Trade Representative  (USTR) confirmed late last week in a pre-publication notice that it received hundreds of requests to continue Section 301 tariffs on more than $300 billion worth of goods imported from China. As the law requires, USTR will keep them in place while it conducts a statutory review.

U.N. Commission: China Committing “Possible Crimes Against Humanity”

The United Nations Human Rights Commission issued a report stating that China’s arbitrary detention of Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region constitutes “serious human rights violations” and may it may be committing potential crimes against humanity. The U.S. enacted a law in June prohibiting imports wholly or in part from China’s Xinjiang region. Read the U.N. commission’s report.

AAEI Meets with State Department on Trade Issues

AAEI leaders met with Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose Hernandez to discuss top trade issues. The topics included US sanctions on Russia and Belarus, access to medical devices and critical minerals in the U.S. supply chain, and improving market access in free trade agreements. AAEI’s Trade Policy Committee will include a recap at its next meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. AAEI’s meetings are open only to AAEI members. For more information on joining AAEI, please click here.

AAEI Meets with CBP Trade Relations Official

AAEI leaders met with U.S. Customs an Border Protection’s (CBP’s) Office of Trade Relations Executive Director Felicia Pullman to discuss upcoming plans to work with AAEI members. Discussions included obtaining new metrics on Forced Labor Prevention, concepts on how to manage 2st Century Customs, and CBPs participation in AAEI’s 2022 Roadshows, which will be held this Fall in Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles and Dallas. For more details on AAEI’s Roadshow events, please click here