AAEI is spotlighting members who are helping lead the Association on key issues, initiatives and projects. This week, the spotlight is on Matt Zehner of Roanoke Insurance
Group Inc.

Matt is a longtime AAEI member and well-known to colleagues for his expertise on a variety of trade issues. He contributes to AAEI’s Customs, Trade Policy, International Policy and Drawback committees on a consistent basis, especially on issues that involve regulatory and technology concerns.

Matt also is a member of the 16th Term of Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC), which met today. Matt works with fellow AAEI members Heather Litman and Erika Vidal-Faulkenberry as the leads on COAC’s Intelligent Enforcement Subcommittee. Matt presented COAC’s Bond Working Group’s update on the status of proposed revisions to Directive 3510-004, “Monetary Guidelines for Setting Bond Amounts,” and the testing of electronic delivery of CBP Form 5955a Notice of Penalty or Liquidated Damages Incurred and Demand for Payment.

At Roanoke Trade, Matt is Vice President of Surety Information and Analysis. His responsibilities include external and internal communications regarding important statutory, regulatory, and operational changes of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), and key judicial actions.