Member of the Week

As leader of AAEI’s 21st Century Customs Subcommittee, Stephanie Wang of Steptoe & Johnson LLP is overseeing one of AAEI’s top priorities, coalescing members’ positions on U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) 21st Century Customs Framework (21CCF).

Stephanie’s international trade practice at Steptoe includes advising clients in antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings before the US Department of Commerce, including verifications, as well as proceedings before the US International Trade Commission and appellate litigation before the US Court of International Trade. Stephanie also
counsels sovereign and private clients on their rights and obligations under free trade agreements, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and other international agreements.

Stephanie’s work with AAEI involves anticipating CBP’s plans for 21CCF and preparing AAEI’s response. Currently, the 21st Century Customs Subcommittee is in the “brainstorming” stage and is asking AAEI members for specific changes in Customs laws that they would want to see as part of 21CCF.