Conference Keynote: Newly Appointed WTO Deputy Director-General

AAEI has confirmed that newly appointed World Trade Organization (WTO) Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard will deliver a keynote speech to attendees of AAEI’s 100th Anniversary Conference. The 3-day virtual event runs June 29-July 1, 2021. 

AAEI members may know Ellard well, an expert on trade and international economic policy. Ellard served on Capitol Hill for more than 25-years, including roles as Majority and Minority Chief Trade Counsel and Staff Director. She is an expert on negotiating trade agreements and supporting multilateral solutions as part of an effective trade and development policy. 

Ellard’s appearance at AAEI’s 100th Anniversary Conference will be her first since taking the new appointment at the WTO.

For more information on the program agenda and other confirmed speakers, please see AAEI’s conference website.